Questions Of The Day 4
- If you were to get a pet (or another one!) what would you name it?
- What’s your go to cocktail?
- What is one thing you wish was never invented?
- What’s an interesting experience you’ve had with a wild animal?
- What’s a good first date idea?
- What’s a great soup?
- The world is about to end. What song do you cue up on Spotify?
- What’s something you’ve never done before?
- What’s something that you have done?
- What’s something you’ll never do?
- If potatoes became illegal what would their street name be?
- You can set up a teleport between two places and it stays there, where are you putting it?
- Vik’s new motto in life is “I hate DBT”. What’s your motto?
- What’s the most surprising animal you’ve ever petted?
- How would you describe your height without using numbers?
- What was the first phone you owned?
- What’s a great song for a rainy day?
- What’s one thing you would treat yourself to regularly if money was no object
- Have you ever seen a ghost?
- What is something every junk drawer must have in order to be considered a junk drawer?
- What is something you’d love receiving as a gift but no one even considers giving you because you’re an adult?
- What was awesome as a kid, but sucks as an adult?
- What sucked as a kid but is great as an adult?
- You are sentenced to death penalty, but you can choose how you die. What do you choose?
- if you could rename any sports team, what would it be?
- What’s the next book you want to read?
- What’s the next show or movie you want to watch?
- What show or movie would you like to rewrite the ending for?
- If you could save one character from dying in a movie/book/song/fable/anecdote, who would you save?
- When does night start
- When is bedtime?
- If someone tells you that “Next Wed. meeting, that was at noon, has now been moved forward by 2 hours.” What time is the meeting next Wed?
- What’s your favorite winter holiday song?
- What was your favorite store as a kid?
- What’s the first site you open in the morning?
- As we move into the new year, what are some 2022 accomplishments you’d like to share?
- What simple things in life bring you joy?
- What’s a movie cliché that infuriates you?
- What is a annoying song to hear on 24h loop?
- You wake up tomorrow and are the only human on planet earth. How do you spend your day?
- You get to create your new nickname, but it must include an animal. What is it?
- What’s your
- What was one of the worst movies that you saw in theatres?
- You wake up tomorrow as a house cat living in a comfy home with a nice couple. You have all of the knowledge you have now. What do you do?
- What’s your go-to social media platform?
- What movie scenes will you never stop laughing at?
- What’s a piece of BAD advice that you took and then regretted? For example, staying up until 3AM to watch The Postman…
- What’s a relatively common food that you don’t like?
- What do you want on a pizza?
- What have you bought (gadget or otherwise) that has made your life easier/better?
- What’s your favorite Starbucks topping?
- If you won the lottery and never had to work again, what would your average day look like?
- What is your favorite food you get to cheer you up?
- With Festivus coming up, what’s a grievance you want to air?
- What is your best dream?
- What is your worst dream?
- In alternate universe where you didn’t end up being a programmer, what’s your profession?
- What’s a fun gift you’ve given someone?
- What’s a fun gift you’ve received?
- What’s the best trip (traveling wise) you ever had?
- If you are a robot what would you say to convince others you aren’t?
- What’s a slack channel that has some good content?
- What’s something that you’re looking forward to? Eg. a new show/movie/album/song, a phone/computer/tv/car/apartment upgrade, a vacation/holiday/birthday, the end of the day, midday nap/snack-break
- What movie could you watch over and over without getting tired of it?
- What’s a song lyric you always get wrong?
- What’s an overrated movie
- What’s one of your go to subredits?
- What would you blog about?
- What’s a weird or bad roommate situation you’ve had?
- If you were a professional burglar, what would be your calling card? (Think: The Wet Bandits)
- What’s something you’re snobby about?
- What are your Turkey Day plans this year?
- What did you buy during BFCM?
- If you had to choose a favorite number what would it be and why?
- What would you change if you were CEO?
- What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
- What’s a book you enjoyed as a kid?
- What’s a movie you enjoyed as a kid?
- What’s a work (not necessarily here) achievement that you are proud of?
- What’s the first thing you do when you get home from a trip?
- What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
- What’s your “goto” joke?
- What’s one of your favorite baked good?
- What’s one of your favorite cheeses?
- What’s one of your favorite smells?
- What’s one of your favorite sport to play (as usual for sporting questions, please interpret the term “sport” as broadly as you need in order to answer the question)
- What’s a food from where you grew up that you go back there for? (or if that’s far away, what’s one that you miss)
- What’s your favorite desert and dessert?
- What’s your go to pie?
- What’s a Halloween themed show you like? (Series, specific episode, whatever)
- What was a hard interview question that you got?
- What topic could you give a 20-minute presentation on without any preparation?
- What was a notable costume (maybe for Halloween) you had growing up or later?
- What was something you thought would be easy until you tried it?
- If you found yourself in a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court situation, what would you “invent” first?
- What was something you thought would be hard until you tried it?
- What was the first album/tape/cd/mp3 you bought?
- What was the name of the street you grew up on?
- What was the worst job you ever had?
- What works of art have really made an impression on you?
- What would the title of your autobiography be?
- What song do you hate and have to turn off the radio when it comes on?
- What subjects should be taught in school but aren’t?
- What superpower would you want?
- What teacher did you have that you didn’t like? Why?
- What is your favorite city in the US? (or a city you like)
- If you were to add a new murder weapon in Clue, what would it be?
- What’s the last video game you played? (Finally one Carol can answer!)
- What’s the useless app on your phone?
- What’s your Chipotle (or similar restaurant) order?
- Do you have siblings? How many? What kind? Older? Younger?
- What’s your favorite fake band?
- If you were a hoarder, what would you hoard?
What’s your [best worst funniest etc.] Josh impression? - What’s your real life super power? For example, I’m great at sleeping.
- What’s your real life super weakness? For example, if you can’t sleep.
- What’s one of the first software projects you made for fun? (i.e., you made it for the fun of it, you had fun making it, it did something that was fun, etc?)
- What’s an underrated app that’s surprisingly useful?
- What’s a good fruit?
- What yogurt do you like?
- What is a good piece of advice you’ve received?
- What is the most useless thing on your desk right now?
- What is the weirdest food combination you’ve made and tried? (This one is inspired by a Howard story)
- What is the worst fruit?
- What is your biggest pet peeve?
- What is your cellphone wallpaper?
- What is your favorite childhood vacation?
- What is your favorite family tradition?
- What is your favorite magical or mythological animal?
- What is your favorite sport to watch? If you don’t like watching sports, take the question as broadly as possible
- What movie have you seen lately (it’s been a while since the last time this was asked, maybe you’ve read a new thing since then?
- What is your favorite holiday and why?
- What music do you put on when you want to get pumped?
- What class would you want to take?
- What country is on your bucket list to visit?
- What fictional family would you be a member of?
- What have you done your entire life but are still bad at?
- What hobby would be a lot of fun to get into?
- What household chore do enjoy the most?
- What’s your least favorite chore?
- What isn’t part of a nutritious breakfast?
- How long would you have survived 200 years ago?
- If you were in the Addams Family, what type of monster would you be?
- If you were a salesperson, what would you be great at selling?
- What did
<pick someone on the team>
have for dinner last night - What kind of cheese do you like?
- What ice cream flavor do you like?
- If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?
- If you could meet any living person for dinner, who would you pick and why?
- If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?
- If you could shop for free at one store, which one would you choose?
- If you could start a charity, what would it be for?
- If you had a personal assistant, what would be the first thing you ask them to do?
- If you had to teach a class, what class would it be?
- If you left your current life behind and ran away to follow your dreams, what would you be doing?
- If you were a wrestler what would be your entrance theme song?
- Name a brand you are loyal to
- Name a fun historical fact.
- Name a toy you enjoyed playing with as a kid.
- Name one thing that was on your bucket list that you’ve done
- What are you kind of snobby about? (Team called out that this was a dupe pretty early)
- What band would you travel back in time to see?
- What celebrities have you met?
- How many tabs do you have open on IntelliJ right now?
- As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
- As a kid, what was your go-to routine for a sick day?
- Besides insects and spiders and murder hornets, what animals annoy you the most?
- Best movie that would be improved if all characters were Muppets except one. Name the non-muppet character.
- Favorite Movie
- Favorite Sci Fi
- Favorite quick service restaurant
- Favorite song in a genre you don’t normally like
- Have you ever broken a bone or gotten a scar? How’d it happen?
- If someone made a movie of your life, what genre would it be?
- If you could be a cartoon character for a week, who would you be?
- If you could go back in time and pay more attention to any class in high school, what would you choose?
- If you could have an actual spirit animal what would they be?
- If you could have any job in the company for a week, what would it be?
- If you could magically become fluent in any language, what would it be?
- What’s one of your favorite Beatles songs?
- Do you update chrome when it asks? If not, why not? If so, why?
- Which celebrity would you like to be stuck in an elevator with?
- Which celebrity would be the worst to be suck in an elevator with?
- What’s something you never plan to get at the grocery store but buy anyway?
- What’s a candy you never have been able to get on board with?
- If history was a movie what characters would have plot armor?
- What did someone do to make you hate them instantly?
- What is a safety tip everyone should know about?
- You switch on news channel and it shows news of a zombie outbreak on the other side of the world, what are the steps you take to get ensure safety for when it hits your area?
- What is something that people in your profession understand, but the general public can’t seem to grasp?
- Who’s a fun over the top actor to watch? For example, Nick Cage.
- The Turkey Game: Music Edition. Take the name of a well known song and replace one word with the word “Turkey”. For example: “Stairway to Heaven” can become “Stairway to Turkey”.
- How many tabs do you have open in Chrome right now?
- What’s a favorite late night snack?
- Answer any question you want without telling us what the question is. We’ll try to guess the question.
- What do you snack on during the day?
- What would you name your car?
- What’s a kids movie that’s also enjoyable for adults?
- What channel/streaming service do you like to watch?
- What’s the worst movie from the past 10 years that you’ve seen?
- If you were asked to pitch a reality show, what would your idea be?
- If you could have a key role in any tv show what tv show would you pick?
- What’s a bad episode of a TV show you like, and why?
- What’s a good piece of advice you’ve gotten?
- What would you have renamed Facebook?
- Tell me a fact you don’t think I’d know.
- If you could rename the earth, what would you name it?
- What species is likely to take over the earth similar to Planet of the Apes?
- What is one of the most beautiful song you have ever heard?
- What’s your favorite Bill Murray movie?
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