Coding Conventions

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These are the general rules and guidelines I use when developing. As with most rules, there are exceptions to all of these.

Code Quality

  1. Prefer composition over inheritance
  2. Small classes and small methods. Anything over 30 lines for a method is a smell, over 100 is a NO
  3. Pay attention to code readability. It’s been pointed out before, but other developers will have to read your code. And “other developers” includes you in 3 months. You are writing for them, not for the compiler. If they can’t understand what’s going on, you haven’t done your job.
  4. Comments get out of date very quickly so only add them in cases where they bring true value, as opposed to making them a supplement for code that has poor readability. This typically means that you shouldn’t be commenting on what your code does. Whoever is reading it should already know what it does. Comments should elucidate why your code is doing what it does. You may have had to write the code in a non-obvious way to avoid a bug. Explain that.

C# Coding Style

For most of my career I’ve been a C# developer. So my more specific rules apply to that. Despite that, many of them can be generalized to other domains. These rules were adapted and inspired from the corefx project, the general rule is “use Visual Studio defaults”.

For non code files (XML, JSON, etc.) my best guidance is consistency. When editing files, keep new code and changes consistent with the style in the files. For new files, it should conform to the style for that component.

  1. Use Allman style braces, where each brace begins on a new line. A single line statement block can go without braces but the block must be properly indented on its own line and it must not be nested in other statement blocks that use braces (See issue #381 for examples – read the resolution, not just the first comment).
  2. Use four spaces of indentation. No tabs. Never tabs.
  3. Use _camelCase for internal and private fields and use readonly wherever possible. Prefix instance fields with _. When used on static fields, readonly should come after static (i.e. static readonly not readonly static).
  4. Avoid this. unless absolutely necessary.
  5. Always specify the visibility, even if it’s the default (i.e. private string _foo not string _foo). Visibility should be the first modifier (i.e. public abstract not abstract public).
  6. Namespace imports should be specified at the top of the file, outside of namespace declarations and should be sorted alphabetically.
  7. Avoid more than one empty line at any time. For example, do not have two blank lines between members of a type.
  8. Avoid spurious free spaces. For example avoid if (someVar == 0)..., where the dots mark the spurious free spaces. Consider enabling “View White Space (Ctrl+E, S)” if using Visual Studio, to aid detection.
  9. Use language keywords instead of BCL types (i.e. int, string, float instead of Int32, String, Single, etc) for both type references as well as method calls (i.e. int.Parse instead of Int32.Parse). See issue #391 for examples.
  10. Use ALL_CAPS to name all constant local variables and fields. The only exception is for interop code where the constant value should exactly match the name and value of the code you are calling via interop.
  11. Use nameof(...) instead of "..." whenever possible and relevant.
  12. Fields should be specified at the top within type declarations.
  13. When including non-ASCII characters in the source code use Unicode escape sequences (\uXXXX) instead of literal characters. Literal non-ASCII characters occasionally get garbled by a tool or editor.
  14. One class per file. When we have a generic and non-generic definition of a simple class, they can be in defined in the same file.
  15. Member fields must be private (who creates public fields anyway?)
  16. CamelCasing of all variable and method names; methods and properties start with a capital
  17. Avoid #regions
    • Specifically included
      • Regions around common sections of code. e.g. regions around all fields or properties
    • Exceptions
      • Regions around particularly long constants or literals
      • Regions around auto-generated code
  18. Only capitalize the first letter in an abbreviation/initialization when using it in a name. For example:
    • DbPool() ✔️
    • DBPool()
  19. Partial classes: you need to have a very good reason to use a partial class. Tool generated code is one of them.
  20. Avoid multiple returns from a single method unless it is very clear.
  21. Avoid multiple escape routes from a loop, i.e., excessive use of break or continue
  22. Avoid while(true)
  23. Avoid structuring code so that it requires casting; consider generics instead. For example, you have a method that calls another method which returns an instance of an interface. If you need to cast that returned value to a specific class, then you have made a design mistake. Example below
  24. Do not use ApplicationException
  25. Implement the common constructors when making a user-defined excption
  26. Do not use goto

Example of braces on single line statement blocks


if (isFriday) Dance();

// OR

if (isFriday)


if (isFriday)

Order of items in a class

Note: Codemaid will do this automatically using CTRL + M then space

In a given class sort by:

  • First the type of item
    • Constants
    • Fields
    • Constructors
    • Events
    • Properties
    • Methods
  • Then by accessibility
    • public
    • internal
    • protected Internal
    • protected
    • private
  • Then statics vs instance
    • static
    • instance
  • Then alphabeticly

Bad Casting

This first version forces the caller to cast

public interface ISomeInterface { }

public class SpecificInstance : ISomeInterface
    public string Name {get; set;}

public interface IReturnAnInterface
    ISomeInterface GetInterface();

public class ReturnASpecifcInstance : IReturnAnInterface
    public ISomeInterface GetInterface()
        return new SpecificInstance() { Name = "MyName" };

public void BadCasting(IReturnAnInterface factory)
    ISomeInterface instance = factory.GetInterface();
    OtherMethod(((SpecificInstance) instance).Name);

✔️ Using generics allows us to avoid the cast

public interface ISomeInterface { }

public class SpecificInstance : ISomeInterface
    public string Name {get; set;}

public interface IReturnAnInterface<T> where T:ISomeInterface
    T GetInterface();

public class ReturnASpecifcInstance : IReturnAnInterface<SpecificInstance>
    public SpecificInstance GetInterface()
        return new SpecificInstance() { Name = "MyName" };

public void NoNeedForCast(IReturnAnInterface<SpecificInstance> factory)
    SpecificInstance instance = factory.GetInterface();

Example File:

` SampleClass.cs`

using MySampleCode.SubNamespace;
using System.Linq;
using ZSoft.ThirdPartyNamespace;

namespace MySampleCode
    public class SampleClass
        private const int DEFAULT_AGE = 0;

        private static readonly string _someStaticValue;

        protected internal int _size;
        protected double _length;
        private readonly string _vision;
        private string _flavor;

        public SampleClass(
            ITrialUserLicenseCreator trialUserLicenseCreator,
            IUserIdentityProvider userIdentityProvider,
            ILoggedInUserInformationFetcher identityFetcher)
            if (trialUserLicenseCreator == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(trialUserLicenseCreator));
            // ...

        private SampleClass(string vision, IUserIdentityProvider userIdentityProvider)
            _vision = vision;

        public event EventHandler OnFlavorChanged;

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public void Method()
            // ...

        private int GetIntValue(string value)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) return -1;

            if (value.All(c => char.IsDigit(c))
                return int.Parse(value);
                return 0;
